Just a quiet Saturday night at home or so I thought!
The boys were watching cartoons in their room, Bethany was at work, Donnie was at a board meeting at the church, Brenton had just left to go to a ball game at Rock Creek and I was just fixing to make dinner. I was then going to work on my transcription stuff so I wouldn't have to mess with it today. I had the hardest time deciding what to cook and finally choose chicken and rice(the little boys favorite). I was browning the rice when the phone rang. I was by this time of the day so irritated by the phone, it had done nothing but rang all day, but I was thinking at least the house isn't full of 7 year olds anymore. When I answered it my heart sank. It was our oldest son Brenton and his voice was so shakey, I could tell he was trying not to cry. He said Bev I am okay but we have been in a wreck but I'm okay. He is so much like his daddy in this area, he was trying to protect me and play it off like he was fine. I asked him if he was sure he was okay he said he was alright but that his collar bone was hurting. He wanted to know if he needed to call an ambulance. I ask him how bad it was and he said it wasn't that bad. I told him I was on my way. I turned dinner off and hollered at chris and told him Brent had been in a wreck and ask him to watch the boys. I don't know what I was thinking or how it even worked but I was driving down the road talking to my mom on our house phone. I called his Donnie and told him what was going on and he said he would meet me there. It seemed like it took me forever to get to him. I couldn't drive fast enough and in the dark it was worse. When I finally got there, all I seen was all these flashing lights. Can you say adrenaline? I had to park a little ways back away from the site so I took off running toward the cars and the first thing I see is a little ford focus with the front all bashed in and the passenger side windsheild busted. I told the officer I was looking for my son, he told me he was up there in a police car but he was fine. He also told me not to run because they had to wet the road down and didn't want me to fall. I then seen this kid of mine emerge from all of these flashing lights but instead of this 5 foot 8 nearly grown stature I see this 3 year old. He at that point was like that baby boy not so rough and gruff. He was obviously injured. The fireman told me he thought that his collar bone was broken. We were walking away and I hear his name being called rather quietly. It was his little lady Kassie. What a way to meet the parents, huh? After speaking to Kassie and her mom for a minute, and just telling each other how grateful we were that our children were still alive(did I mention that this was a head-on collision) and how vehicle can be replaced, we went and got in the van. I told him how pretty I thought Kassie was and I meant every word I wasn't just trying to make him feel better. Brenton and I met up with Donnie a couple of miles down the road and brought his car home as it was on our way to the hospital. In the light you could look at his collar bone and see that is was broken, didn't need an x-ray for that. He was and is in so much pain. We took him on over to the hospital and they were really good about taking him in ahead of everyone else. But they made him wait until after they did a head CT to give him any pain meds. I told Donnie while Brenton was back there having the CT done I said how many teeth is that tech gonna have missing when he gets back. Brent's not a mean kid but he was hurting so bad and they were moving him around and wouldn't do anything to help his pain. Brent was good and the guy didn't loose any teeth. He does however have a broken collar bone, it is also displaced so we have to go see an orthopedic surgeon this week. They said his CT was fine but I still think he has a consusion. Kassie broke her wrist and had to get 5 stitches in her leg. Please remeber these kids in your prayers as they are healing and I will update you with anything new as we find out with Brenton. I thank God that he has his hands on my kids, I don't know why Satan is trying to take them from me but I refuse to let them go. We gave them to God a long time ago and believe that he will see them through. God Bless you all.