Seasonal Changes! To all my family and friends I find myself coming back to my blog when I am unsure of things. Don't get me wrong God is the first place I turn. He is and has always been my ROCK. I have alway found what used to be journaling and is now blogging theraputic and even if noone out there ever reads this at least I in someway may feel better. We all know that there are changes in life. Some we love, some are unexpected and some we just flat out hate. I remember growing up all I ever wanted to be was a wife and mommy. I wanted to go to nursing school but I really wanted to be a mommy. I couldn't wait for that experience. I hated high school, I just never really felt like I fitted in anywhere. I didn't play sports, wasn't a cheerleader and wasn't a brain so I never felt like there was a place for me. My plans throughout high school were to graduate as quickly as possible and go to nursing school. One day all of that...
Showing posts from February 9, 2010