Where did the time go?
My baby boy came into this world at 4:56 p.m. on this day 9 years ago. He was a big 8 pounds 5.8 ounces and 20 1/4 inches long. He was actually born with red hair which didn't last long. He turned snowy blonde soon thereafter. I sat awake with this little guy the entire night that he was born. He was starving and just wasn't getting happy with him mom.
Down below are just a few pictures to cover our Elijah David's life over the past 9 years. Eli was the most trying baby I have ever endured in my entire life. He was sick a lot! Once I quit my job and started keeping him at home and he got well he turned into this funny little toot. I don't know what I would do without him in my life. He is our baby, our last. He made our family whole. He actually made the decision that there would be no more siblings. Have a child with severe colic, milk allergies and gastric reflux disease and I assure that he/she will determine that for your family too!
Eli, Mommy loves you to the moon and back again.
Crawling around in the dirt at daycare, he was right around 1 year in this picture
This picture actually has a really cute story behind it. I obviously had already bathed Eli and gotten him ready for bed. I was then giving my 4 year old Jordan a bath and ran to get a towel when I returned to this. I guess he decided he wasn't done.
This picture was taken of Eli right after we brought him home from the hospital after he had salmonella.
He loved playing dress up
And if you can't tell his paci was his best friend. He finally gave it up at 4 years 7 months.
This is when he figured out he was funny and we have been in trouble ever since.