Our up and coming surgeons!


Teresa said…
So cute!! I think dressing up for Halloween is so much fun for the kids. For us it's just a dress up holiday...I could do without all the ghosts and witches stuff. :)
Beverly said…
I have such mixed feeling about halloween. I love it for the kids, they have so much fun. But I hate all the ghost and goblins. I hate them being exposed to all of that. I wished we could protect them from that. I know I can't prtect them from everything, just wish I could sometimes.
Jen said…
Wow! They look very "REAL"!!! And about your comment...I SOOOOOO AGREE with you!!! I HATE all the evil that surrounds this "holiday". Wish there was a way to erase all that JUNK from it and just make it a fun day for dress up and candy!

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