
Showing posts from February, 2008
Just a quiet Saturday night at home or so I thought! The boys were watching cartoons in their room, Bethany was at work, Donnie was at a board meeting at the church, Brenton had just left to go to a ball game at Rock Creek and I was just fixing to make dinner. I was then going to work on my transcription stuff so I wouldn't have to mess with it today. I had the hardest time deciding what to cook and finally choose chicken and rice(the little boys favorite). I was browning the rice when the phone rang. I was by this time of the day so irritated by the phone, it had done nothing but rang all day, but I was thinking at least the house isn't full of 7 year olds anymore. When I answered it my heart sank. It was our oldest son Brenton and his voice was so shakey, I could tell he was trying not to cry. He said Bev I am okay but we have been in a wreck but I'm okay. He is so much like his daddy in this area, he was trying to protect me and play it off like he was fine. I asked him ...
As many of you know I am the city clerk and court clerk here in the town we live. So with that come this stupid police radio that sits on my desk. I hate this thing and I never use it, I just have to leave it on. Well anyway Friday I had to go around 1 pm or so and get a shot for a migraine and then I went back to work. This stupid radio talks all the time its all of bryan county, grayson county, fire dept, ems, you know all that stuff. I usually just tune it out but I was feeling unusually ditsy (drugged) Friday and I sitting there at my desk and I hear a familiar name come across this thing and then he spells it. I look up at the cop sitting across the room from me and just as nonchalontly as can be say I bet my kid is in that car because that is her best friend. He said sweetie you do realize that was an accident don't you. OH MY GOODNESS NO I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT WAS ACCIDENT!!! ARE YOU CRAZY, DO YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD BE SITTING HERE LIKE THIS IF I DID. Then to top it off...
Sickness!!!!! So I knew Eli wasn't feeling well yesterday and I thought he may be running a low temp but he was still running around and playing like normal. We get up for school this morning and Eli gets up and comes over to give mommy a hug and I could tell he was warm. I got the thermometer out and sure enough he temp was almost 102. You must understand this child doesn't run a fever, we often say he must be half dead if he has a fever. It must happen today when there is no way I could take off of work. I work for the city and today was traffic court, thankfully his daddy is working nights right now so he could stay home but it was getting him to the pediatrician. Well daddy go up at lunch and took him over to the pediatrician, I honestly thought it was a sinus infection. My co-worker came over and whispered in my ear during court Eli has the flu and your sister said make sure to keep him away from the baby. Great a seven year old with the flu and trying to keep him away fro...