We took the boys camping at Lake Raymond Gary this weekend. It was so nice, minus the sunburn and rain. The boys had a blast and they were really good. I had never been up there it is a small lake where Donnie went as a child and it was perfect. It's a really small lake which was nice because I didn't feel like I had to be right on top of the boys all of the time, not that I just let them run all over, but I was very comfortable there. We will definately be going back. Only not when the boy scout are there. They were awful, they actually stole stuff right off of our table at our camp site and you think that those kids are suppose to set a highter standard. Talk about mad my boys were steaming. I just had to explain to them it wasn't right but it wasn't that big of a deal. Eli was ready to lay into them. But all in all we had a really good time. Jordan loved fishing he would go over there even when we weren't fishing and just sit and fish. He caught 3 perch and it was so cute. He would yell over I caught one I caught one. Then you could see him jiggle it off the hook and then catch it and put it in a bucket they had for shells. It was really cute.


KC said…
Wow Bev, your website looks great! Good Job!

It sounds like ya'll had a wonderful camping trip. The pictures are priceless! :)
Jen said…
Hi! I am Kandy's friend, Jen. Just thought I'd stop by your blog and say Hello! It looks like you have a great, fun family!

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