
Showing posts from May, 2006
Memorial Day 2006 With today being Memorial Day I just wanted to take a minute to remember my grandpa Carter. Last night when mom and myself were looking through things for some pictures it turned into more of a night of memories, which was sad but nice. It's hard to believe he's been gone so long, but it's amazing the impact his life still has on my life. Grandpa was an amazing being. The one thing I remember about him the most was his love for God. He was such a strong christian, and he always believed wholeheartedly that God could and would do anything. I remember after Grandpa died my thoughts were if only I could be the kind of Christian he was, maybe one day, I don't think you get there overnight. Below are some pictures I found of him and thought I would share. In Memory of Ace Tildon Carter June 5, 1917-December 2, 1994 This picture was taken probably in 77 or 78 In front is Michael, Back is Samantha, Jana, Grandpa, Beverly & Misty. This was probably taken...
May 11, 2006 I know we already had a party but I couldn't let his birthday go by without a cake. Eli blowing out his candles. Eli looking pretty. Eli got this really neat table that works with trains and cars, I think he was really happy with it.
Eli's 6th Birthday Party May 6, 2006 My sweet baby, how fast you've grown. This is the newest member of our family, my aunt Debra's baby Austin Candy Alex takes a swing Kaileigh's Turn Jordan gets a swing Jessica's turn at the pinata Putting his new bat to work This looks like fun He's ready for T-Ball now My Birthday Boy Make a wish My cousin Jessica MMM Thats good! Birthday Party Fun Eli & Danielle
Class of 1996 We had our 10 year class reunion on May 13, 2006. It was nice to see everyone after all that time. There were only 8 of us to show up, but it was neat to see how everyone had changed in the last ten years. Most of us married and all of us parents(Kristie is due in July). Wow how time flies. Front Row: Kristie, Beverly, & Kristal Second Row: Tosha, Patty, & Jason Back Row: Kevin & Daniel Patty's daughter McKayla and My son Eli My son Jordan and Patty's daughter McKayla
Eli's Kindergarten Graduation Look out world here I come! Eli & Danielle Ok, I know he's a boy but isn't he pretty. Look at him now Donnie's Mom Darlene, Bethany, & Eli Nana took this the morning before graduation out in her yard. Eli & his best friend Danielle This has got to be my favorite picture of him at graduation. Isn't he handsome? Jordan & Eli Mommy & Elijah The hat toss(how cute!) Eli is officially a First Grader! Emily, Eli, & Jasmine singing 5 little ducks Eli & Emily rapping, this was hilarious! Eli said the Pledge of allegiance in front of everyone, I was so proud of him. Eli and his buddy Adam He's so sweet! Jordan, Eli, & Bethany Eli at Nana's before Graduation
Brenton's 8th Grade Graduation Brenton & Brooke Brenton & Bethany He thinks he so cool! Officially a Freshman He's such a goof off! Here he comes(look out!) Jordan & Brenton Our little(big) Family